Hearing loss
Are you suffering from hearing loss? You are not alone! Worldwide, 1 in 10 people have hearing loss due to noise, loud music, old age and/or other things. Hearing loss is therefore common in society. Headphones, earpods, events, music festivals and concerts ensure that young people come into contact with loud noise at a younger age, which is harmful. Listening to your favorite music is best for many people when the volume is very loud. Hearing loss therefore happens faster than you think. It is therefore not surprising that we advise more and more people of different ages with a suitable (and as much as possible invisible) hearing aid. For example, the Starkey Genesis or the Widex Moment Sheer .
What exactly is hearing loss?
There are cilia in the cochlea. The cilia convert incoming sound in the brain for the brain, so that you can hear. With hearing loss due to loud noise or loud music, these cilia are damaged. Sometimes you can restore the condition of your cilia, but that is not always possible. Serious damage to your cilia makes you less hearing and sometimes you can also suffer from tinnitus .
When do you get hearing loss?
Noise is the most important and most common cause of hearing loss. Everyone knows that it is wiser to wear hearing protection at festivals, concerts and when going out. Yet in practice it happens too little. Fortunately, we see a positive trend where more and more people use hearing protection and there is more attention for wearing earplugs at music events. Loud noise does not only occur at events. Many people work daily, next to or with machines that make a lot of noise. Or motorcyclists, motorcyclists are also at risk of hearing loss. The sound of the wind along their helmet is often louder than 85 decibels. But when is noise harmful? This is from 80 decibels. And from 120 decibels, noise can permanently damage your hearing within a few moments. Then you have hearing loss. Do you work with a lot of noise around you? Then consider custom-made earplugs to protect your ears.
Other causes of hearing loss
Not only loud noise and music are important causes of hearing loss. There are other causes that can lead to hearing loss. Some hearing loss is temporary and some is permanent. Science is working hard to find ways to restore hearing loss, but we are not there yet. A hearing aid can help you hear and understand better again.
The types of hearing loss
In general, we divide hearing loss into mild, moderately hard of hearing and severely hard of hearing. Unlike being deaf, where you can no longer hear anything, hearing loss occurs in varying degrees. Hearing loss due to hearing loss does not always literally mean hearing less than before. In some cases, it also causes you to perceive sound differently. Loud sounds can be more shrill and painful to perceive, it can be difficult to distinguish background noise or speech and you can become oversensitive to normal sound. This oversensitivity is called hyperacusis. In addition, you can also suffer from distortion, where the sound is distorted. There are also many people who suffer from diplacusis, where you hear differently with each ear.
Prevent hearing loss
There are a number of symptoms that indicate that you have heard a sound that is too loud. A ringing or noise is the most common symptom. Take good care of your hearing, because you only have one pair of ears! Prevent hearing loss by always wearing custom-made earplugs or wearing headphones when the sound is loud. This reduces the chance of hearing damage. Hearing loss above 100 decibels occurs within minutes, which you can easily experience during a night out with your favorite music. When listening to music, make sure that you never turn the volume to 100%, train yourself to listen to less loud music.
Service from OnlineHearingAids
Have you been feeling like you have hearing loss for a while? Then take action! We are happy to advise you on which hearing aids are most suitable for you.
Permanent hearing loss, what now?
Have you already had a hearing test for hearing loss and it turned out that you suffer from hearing loss? Fortunately, there are many good hearing aids to help you. What is especially important is that you take better care of your hearing. Bring earplugs if you think the sound will be too loud somewhere. Or just bring earplugs everywhere. Better to bring a set than to have a ringing in your ears the next day because the sound was too loud. Hearing aids or hearing aids come in many different sizes and designs. That is why you no longer have to walk around with a very large hearing aid that is clearly visible. We still encounter people who postpone buying a hearing aid out of shame. This is completely unnecessary. At Online-HearingAids.com we have hearing aids that sit in the ear canal, where you can't see anything at all!
Hearing loss and want to make an appointment with the audiologist?
Are you suffering from hearing loss or do you suspect that you have hearing loss? Then make an appointment with the audiologist. This can be done physically, but also with a free video call. With the hearing aids in our range, we can almost always perform the hearing test remotely.