
Cleaning hearing aid with cleaning tablets


You want to last as long as possible with your hearing aid, which is why good maintenance is very important. Frequent use will make hearing aids dirty and clogged by, among other things, dust and ear wax. In the Online-HearingAids.com range you will therefore find the best cleaning tablets for thorough cleaning of your hearing aid.

Maintenance hearing aid with cleaning tablets

Cleaning your BTE device (behind the ear device) can be done with cleaning wipes and cleaning sprays, but cleaning tablets are very handy to use. First of all, it is important that you do not clean the entire hearing aid with the tablets, but only the earmold and hearing tube. Cleaning is easy and is very useful: you place the BTE device in a cleaning cup with water and add an effervescent tablet. The tablet’s active ingredients will remove all traces of impurities, even stubborn ear wax.

Cleaning and drying the hearing aid

After cleaning the earmold, you can put it in a drying container with a drying tablet for a short time. The drying tablets absorb the moisture from the earmold immediately. With a bellows you can then blow the excess moisture out of the vent and the hearing tube.

Cleaning ears

While you are busy cleaning the earpieces with the cleaning tablets, you can immediately take the time to clean the ears yourself. After cleaning the ears, you can put the cleaned hearing aid back in a clean ear.

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Cleaning hearing aid with cleaning tablets


You want to last as long as possible with your hearing aid, which is why good maintenance is very important. Frequent use will make hearing aids dirty and clogged by, among other things, dust and ear wax. In the Online-HearingAids.com range you will therefore find the best cleaning tablets for thorough cleaning of your hearing aid.

Maintenance hearing aid with cleaning tablets

Cleaning your BTE device (behind the ear device) can be done with cleaning wipes and cleaning sprays, but cleaning tablets are very handy to use. First of all, it is important that you do not clean the entire hearing aid with the tablets, but only the earmold and hearing tube. Cleaning is easy and is very useful: you place the BTE device in a cleaning cup with water and add an effervescent tablet. The tablet’s active ingredients will remove all traces of impurities, even stubborn ear wax.

Cleaning and drying the hearing aid

After cleaning the earmold, you can put it in a drying container with a drying tablet for a short time. The drying tablets absorb the moisture from the earmold immediately. With a bellows you can then blow the excess moisture out of the vent and the hearing tube.

Cleaning ears

While you are busy cleaning the earpieces with the cleaning tablets, you can immediately take the time to clean the ears yourself. After cleaning the ears, you can put the cleaned hearing aid back in a clean ear.

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By Yvan Karman