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4 Signs You Need a Hearing Aid

4 Signs You Need a Hearing Aid

Hearing aid needed when 1

Signal #1:

A complaining environment that you do not hear and/or understand them. Everyone recognizes this situation: you call your partner and they do not respond, in the wrong way or say what? Really the tipping point that you as a hearing impaired person should think: Do I not want to hear it? Am I not focused properly? Or do I really not hear it? This immediately brings us to the conclusion that not only the hearing impaired, but certainly also the environment suffers from a hearing problem. When purchasing a hearing aid, we often see that, for example, the partner and family are very grateful that their lives have also changed as a result.

Hearing aid needed when 4 signals when do you need hearing aid2

Signal #2

You know how it is, you've just had a night out with lots of fun, but afterwards there was also way too much loud music. At that moment you might think: what a dull and closed ear I suddenly have.. And.. That will go away soon.. Until you expose your ears to too many of these kinds of 'parties' and that dull and closed feeling doesn't go away. Then there is a big chance that you have hearing damage.. Measurements at your local Makker store can give you a good idea of ​​whether this is indeed the case. If there is hearing loss due to noise, also noise caused at work, a hearing aid from Online-HearingAids can be the solution.

Hearing aid needed when 4 signals when do you need hearing aid3

Signal #3

Telephoning, a convenient means of communication, but at the same time also very susceptible to all kinds of interference factors. A stuttering connection, poor range and strongly dependent on the quality of the telephone used. But also speaking unclearly, telephoning in a noisy environment and simply not listening with concentration can have a very negative effect on the conversation. If all (environmental) factors are favourable and you still have problems understanding, then it is wise to have your hearing measured. After all, it could be a sign that there is a loss of hearing. In that case, a hearing aid could offer a solution. Did you know that many hearing aids are now equipped with a Bluetooth connection? This allows you to make hands-free calls via your hearing aids!

Hearing aid needed when 4 signals when do you need hearing aid4

With the last one at #4

Is the TV turned up a little bit louder every time? Does your partner complain that the sound is way too loud and you don't think so yourself? Even then there is a chance that after measuring at the audiologist you can come to the conclusion that there is something missing in your hearing. The most difficult situations are often watching Dutch-spoken programs such as the news and other programs that are not subtitled by the channel. When people start using a hearing aid, this often goes a lot better. An additional option for a hearing aid is a TV connector. With most hearing aids, this can be connected to the TV via Bluetooth, so that the TV sound is streamed directly to the ears! How convenient is that?!