
Customer Manuel shares his experience with

Customer Manuel shares his experience with

"You got my warmest thanks!" has more than 10,000 customers in 40 countries. We are curious what our customers really think about our service. That is why we always ask our customers to share their experience. It is also very important to our audiologists that the client can move forward with a perfectly adjusted hearing aid. Some audiologists have therefore created a genuine bond with the client which makes adjusting the hearing aids a very pleasant experience. Are you curious about one of these experiences? Read on, and find out how our client Manuel liked buying his hearing aids online and having them adjusted 100% remotely.

Can you briefly introduce yourself?

“My name is Manuel and I live in Italy. I am 83 years old and I like to be busy in the kitchen or in the garden. For example, I love gardening and I often bake fresh bread in my own kitchen. I am also a real reader, so I pick up a good book now and again. Finally, writing is also something that I enjoy doing. That way I keep myself busy and enjoy it.”

“I ordered a hearing aid online for the first time, which honestly wouldn’t have occurred to me. I do order products online quite often, but these are often everyday items that are available everywhere. I have noticed that really pays attention to the value they give to the customer. I have been a hearing aid user for 12 years, but I have never seen or experienced this. Really great service!”

How did you even know you needed a hearing aid?

“I found this out myself. I noticed during the time I was watching films that I could no longer follow them very well. That was very noticeable so I immediately had a hearing test.”

Which hearing aid did you order?

“I have ordered the Resound LiNX Quattro 961 - rechargeable in the colour medium blonde.”

Why, and how did ordering work for you?

“I was very surprised by the low prices offered by and although I already had a few devices, I decided to upgrade to a better model of very high quality. I notice the difference immediately. Ordering was actually very easy. The hearing specialists and audiologists at also made it very easy for me. It’s great that everything can be done remotely.”

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What did you think of our human service?

“I was very well looked after by the customer service and audiologist. Not only do I have hearing problems, but I also suffer from Parkinson’s disease. During the check-up session I could not even answer the phone, let alone connect my devices. The audiologist was so kind that he gave me four more sessions until all the problems were solved.”

“I am very satisfied with this hearing aid and the service.”

Would you recommend us to others?

“I would certainly do that, as it is impossible to find prices easier and it would also be extremely difficult to find such great after-sales assistance!”

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