
Which hearing aid brand is the best? And what are the differences?

A hearing aid will last three to five years, and of course you will want to be sure that you will fully enjoy it all those years. That’s why it’s important to get well-informed beforehand as to which brand and type of hearing aid suits you. We hope that this blog will make it easier for you to choose the right hearing aid.

The best brands of the moment

Sound is a highly personal thing. One person’s idea of beautiful sound can sound terrible to somebody else. On our website, we provide an overview of the various timbres per brand; click here for the overview.

The three most prominent brands in the world of hearing aids are Starkey, Widex and ReSound. These brands provide beautiful, clear sound, bringing speech sounds to the front and making speech easier to understand in more challenging listening situations.

These brands also offer rechargeable hearing aids. Every night, you put the hearing aids in their charger, so the next day you will be able to enjoy them without worries. This is also an ideal solution for people with impaired manual skills. Choose a rechargeable system for extra user-friendliness!


Starkey is the first brand offering a rechargeable “In the Ear” hearing aid. The best thing about Starkey is their very extensive app. The “Thrive” app can be used to change the hearing aids’ settings, so you enjoy pleasant sound in any situation. And Starkey hasn’t just developed its hearing aids to provide good speech understanding, but also focuses on hearing-aid users’ health. The hearing aid tracks not only your physical health (using a step counter), but your mental health as well. If you’re looking for a hearing aid that’s also a gadget, be sure to go for a Starkey!

Discover our Starkey hearing aids


Widex currently offers the smallest rechargeable “Behind the Ear” hearing aid. Widex has an excellent reputation where sound quality is concerned. With their new “Moment” series they have once again made progress. The sound is even clearer and more natural. They also provide a very easy-to-use app

Discover our Widex hearing aids


ReSound is the first brand to offer a “Behind the Ear” hearing aid with a microphone inside the ear. This preserves the function of the auricle, resulting in natural sound. The ReSound One also has an excellent wind-noise suppressor, so walks or bike rides are not made unpleasant by the wind rushing loudly in your ear. This makes the sound more comfortable without sacrificing speech clarity.

Discover our Resound hearing aids

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By Yvan Karman