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“Ho, Ho…. Huh?!”

The holidays are around the corner again! And that means, of course, that everyone comes back together; dinner, supper, New Year’s Parties ... we all know that. But as a hearing impaired person it could be exactly the thing, you are afraid of. All the mixed up conversations! The grandchildren, that never seem to speak clearly. The brother-in-law, that after some wine babbles to a person at the other end of the table ... not to speak about the Christmas music, that continuously adds to the soundscape. Only the best hearing aids can handle those hearing situations. Read about the three best hearing aids for the holidays.

Discover the top 3 best hearing aids for the holidays here

Starkey Evolv AI 2400

The best hearing aid that Starkey published until now. The new hearing technology by  Evolv AI suppresses all surrounding sounds and delivers a clear speaking sound. Ideal for loud meals! And when you, after all those suppers, want to make a proposition, then you can do that easily, through the implemented step counter. That makes it easier, to get to the New Year’s proposition after the holidays and the Kilogrammes just fly away ;)



Starkey Livio AI RIC 312 Healthable SL18 XXXXXXX champagne paris 3 4 R lrg

Widex Moment Sheer

The Widex Moment is one of the best hearing aids that was ever developed, but with the new Sheer-Version it looks even more elegant. Like we are used from Widex, this hearing system delivers the most natural sound, that is possible, and that includes music. That way it is safe, that George Michael sounds even clearer, when you hear "Last Christmas" for the hundreds time. Aside from the music, you get the perfect support for language comprehension, when it gets hectic. Thanks to the intelligent chip in the hearing aid, it adjusts for every situation.

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Phonak Audéo Lumity

And last but not least ... the latest hearing aid by Phonak. Where the Paradise was already groundbreaking, the Lumity goes one step further. Especially, in reference to the hearing performance, the Audéo-Series was developed with Lumity. Thanks to the Phonak SmartSpeech-Technology, this device is especially suitable for loud surroundings. Even for people, that speak very quiet, the speaking sound is transmitted very good thanks to the Phonak Speech Enhancer Software. Are you planning on taking a New Year’s Diving course? The Lumity is available in waterproof version!

Test one of these hearing aids and experience, how special it can be, to hear "normal" again.

 See all our hearing aids here 

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By Yvan Karman