Need help at home with all kinds of practical matters regarding your hearing aid? Watch all the videos below in which we explain how to perform certain actions.
Hearing aid drying capsule in drying box.
Hearing aid cleaning tubing from thintube with sprite.
Hearing aid tubing cleaning the thintube with floss.
Hearing aid earpiece cleaning with rager.
Clean microphone input from in ear hearing aid.
Hearing aid blower channel dry.
Phonak ITE hearing aid cleaning.
Use drying box with drying capsule for hearing aid.
Coselgi hearing aid tone bend replacement.
Hearing aid domes replace Unitron & Phonak.
Speaker Resound hearing aid replacement.
Hearing aid filter replacement.
Hearing aid from Unitron or Phonak thintube replacement.
Hearing aid from Widex and Coselgi dome replaced.
Hearing aid from Widex thintube replacement.
Hearing aid Widex speaker replacement.
How do you replace a speaker on a Unitron or Phonak hearing aid?
How do you replace a tone bend on a Unitron or Phonak hearing aid?
Hearing aid Oticon speaker replacement.
Hearing aid from Oticon dome replaced.
Hearing aid from Signia or AudioService dome replacement.
Hearing aid from Widex or Coselgi dome replacement.
Hearing aid Widex and Coselgi speaker replacement.
Replace hearing aid filter from microphone input.
Hearing aid thintube replacement Resound.
Cut hearing aid tubing.
Oticon hearing aid tone bend replacement.
Hearing aid Resound tone bend replacement.
3 Change HF3 HF4 filter.
Hearing aid Resound speaker replacement.
Speaker Resound hearing aid replacement.
Inserting hearing aid 13 battery.
Hearing aid battery replacement.
ITE hearing aid battery replacement.
Check Oticon hearing aid serial number and marking.
Check hearing aid from Signia or AudioService serial number and marking.
The serial number and marking of a hearing aid from Unitron or Phonak, where do you find it?
Check marking and serial number of Widex hearing aid.
Look up serial number and marking Resound hearing aid.
Cut off hearing aid tubing
RIC hearing aid insertion.
IHO hearing aid insertion.
Earwax removal.